Tonight the resident volunteers of the Plan Commission voted to send a positive recommendation to council to adopt into our muni code a new definition of "recycling collection facility". This effectively mirrors the state definition, which is very good for residents here in our village. Village also defers to the Illinois Environmental Protection Act for further defining, as separate and distinct, a "construction and demolition debris facility" and a "transfer station". This is a 180 degree turnaround on a definition that originally said they were the same thing, and avoids opening a potential Pandora's Box of problems for the village. In addition to the Plan Commission, the resident volunteers of the Environmental Concerns Commission acted in a key advisory role to village council on this matter.
Recycling collection facility. A facility or site designed for the purpose of receiving articles or materials limited to non-hazardous, nonspecial, homogeneous, nonputresable materials such as dry paper, glass, cans or plastic , which are to be transported to another location for distribution or processing, which may or may not be the principal use on the lot where located. The term "recycling collection facility" as used in this Zoning Ordinance shall not include general construction or demolition debris facilities as defined in 415 ILCS 5/3.160, and transfer stations as defined by 415 ILCS 5/3.500 , facilities located within a structure principally devoted to another use, facilities temporarily located on a lot under authority of a temporary uses, and facilities for collecting used motor oil which are necessary to an automobile service station.
The modifications clarify that construction and demolition debris collection facilities and garbage transfer stations as defined by the Illinois Environmental Protection Act are not included as a permitted or special use in the Village.
This will be work shopped at the council on 12/11, and I expect council will approve the following week at the regular village council meeting on 12/18, so I do not anticipate any further action being required. (I'll post up if that changes!)
This ends a long period of uncertainty for several hundred residents of
There's plenty of you out there that know what's up when I say thank you for your help, for your emails to council, your voice, and for your kind words of encouragement. It was very gratifying to see residents and business alike, from many different perspectives, listen, look critically and thoughtfully, come together on a consensus, and make a difference.
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